Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Organise Your Stitching Tag (Flosstube)

Organise Your Stitching Tag  -

- posted 20APR16 by Corrie Berry

1. How do you organise magazines?
2. How do you organise kits?

3. How do you organise digital patterns?

4. How do you organise books?

5. What do you keep with your WIPs?

6. How do you store WIPs when not in use?

7. Where do you store FOs before they become FFOs?

8. Do you have any tips for organising your cross stitch?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Travel Stitching Tag (Flosstube)

Travel Stitching Tag  -

- posted 28Aug16 by OriettaStitch

1)  Do you bring stitching with you when you travel?

2)  What is your favorite project to bring on trips?

3)  What are your indispensable tools to bring to help your stitching on a trip?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Every Stitch Counts' My Tag (Flosstube)

Every Stitch Counts’  My Tag-

- posted 31JUL16 by Every Stitch Counts

1) Favorite DMC color thread?

2) Least favorite DMC color thread?

3) Over or under when it comes to toilet paper hanging on the roll?

4) When do you cross stitch for other people? If not, why? Bad past experience?

5) Stomach or back sleeper?

6) Does anyone tease / poke fun at you for cross stitching?

7) Is there a subject, theme or topic you have yet to find in a pattern?

8) Favorite needle minder?

9) Best cross stitch deal you came across. For example, an out of print pattern or stash of skeins?

10) One fun fact about you NOT related to cross stitching


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Confessions of a Cross Stitcher Tag (Flosstube)

Confessions of a Cross Stitcher Tag  -

- posted 15MAY2016 by Vintage Chic Stitcher

Short and sweet section:

1. Just cross stitch or specialty stitches too?

2. Whole stitches only or half and quarter stitches too?

3. French knots or beads in their place?

4. Backstitch, nemesis or friend?

5. Washed or unwashed?

6. Iron or what's an iron?

7. Professionally frames or do it yourself?

8. Framed FFOs (Fully Finished Objects) or other finishes? If other finishes please share what you have done :)

9. Stickler for the pattern or creative muse?

10. Organized stitcher or ruler of chaos?

11. Planned or spontaneous?

12. Process stitcher or project driven?

13. Impulse buyer or thoughtful purchaser?

Moment of truth section:

14. If you make a mistake, do you HAVE to frog it out?

15. Have you ever shown your work? If not, would you like to one day?

16. Who do you stitch for?

17. If you stitch gifts are they delivered on time or are they fashionably late?

18. Where is the strangest place you have ever stitched?

19. Is there any place on earth where you would really like to stitch?

20. If you could only stitch on one project monogamously for a year, which would it be?

21. What is the most amount of WIPs you've had at once?

22. How old is your oldest active WIP?

23. Honestly, tell us about your stash - how many charts and kits do you have?

24. Truth, which designs/designers do you just not get?

25. Which designs/designers do you absolutely adore and cannot live without?

26. How many hours a week do you devote to stitching?

27. You are on a desert island and resources are scare. There are four options available to you - chocolate, coffee, Mr Darcy (as played by Colin Firth (of course!) or stitching. You can only pick two, GO!

28. Does your significant other really know how much you spend on your craft?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

long overdue update to Flosstube Tag Videos Archive is complete

The Tag Archive has been sadly neglected, but when life threw me some crap to deal with, it was one of things that weighed in as a low priority.  But I am back at it now, so here is a list of the tags I updated today:

I did my best to find all the tags that needed to get added, so if I've missed any please let me know.

Here is the updated tracker:
Tag Tracker as of 26JUL16

Happy Tagging and Happy Stitching!

The Behind the Scenes Tag (Flosstube)

The Behind the Scenes Tag  -

- posted 05JUL16 by Jessie Marie Does Stuff

1. (Optional). Take a picture of your set up for recording. Insert it if you can.

2. How did you come up with your channel name?

3. When did you post your very first video to YouTube with FlossTube/stitching intentions?

4. What do you use for your videos (i.e. camcorder, laptop, phone, etc.)?

5. Do you record onto video software or directly onto YouTube?

6. Do you edit? If so, what do you use? If not, why not?

7. How many takes are involved in your videos? Or do you just record it all in one shot?

8. If things go wrong during recording, do you stop and restart or just post it?

9. From beginning of set up to video completely uploaded to YouTube, about how long does a standard video take?

10. What kind of prep do you do? Script? Organization? Run-through or practice?

11. Do you watch your own videos once published?

12. If you could change or enhance or improve your videos in anyway, would you and what would you do?

13. Share any other tidbits you might have about your own recording or any funny stories related to your channel.


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Kelli Anne's Craft Swap Tag (Flosstube)

Kelli Anne’s Craft Swap Tag  -

- posted 21MAY16 by Kelli Anne

1. How many swaps have you done?

2. If only 1, why have you stopped swapping?

3. What is your biggest swap pet peeve?

4. What is your favorite item(s) received?

5. What is your worst swap received?

6. Favorite topic (theme) of a swap you've been in...

7. What are your favorite extras to send/receive?

8. Topics (themes) you'd like to see in a swap...


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Mary Ellen's Tag (Flosstube)

Mary Ellen’s Tag  -

- posted 02MAY16 by Mary Ellen

1. What is your favourite floss colour?

2. Which artwork or picture that isn't an official pattern would you love to stitch or become available?

3. What is a piece you would love to stitch? Why haven't you stitched it?

4. If money wasn't an object, what piece would you stitch?

5. What is your most wanted pattern/chart?

6. What is your most loved piece that you have stitched? Do you have any pieces that you hated stitching?

7. What is your favourite subject to stitch?

8. What piece would you love to see HAED produce?

9. What artist would you like HAED to collaborate with?

10. Who is your favourite artist or designer?

11. If given the opportunity to design a piece and have it be published, what would the subject be, what would it be called, what would the style be, and who would publish it?

12. Where is your favourite place to stitch?

13. Who are your favourite Flosstubers to watch?

14. If given the opportunity, which Flosstuber would you like to meet the most?

15. What is one piece of advice you have for other stitchers or Flosstubers?

16. What is something you have learned by watching Flosstube?

17. What do you use to record videos with?

18. Who do you like stitching for? What do you enjoy making the most?

19. What is your favourite place to buy supplies?

20. What are your favourite websites for stitching?

21. Do people know you make videos?

22. What type of weather do you find most relaxing to stitch during or what is your favourite weather to stitch during?

23. If you organize your floss, do you organize by number or colour?

24. What is your most coveted stitch related item?

25. Which movie, TV show, book, video game, etc. would you most love to stitch?

26. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

27. What is your favourite traveled to location?

28. Do you have any special talents?

29. Name 5-10 random facts about yourself that your subscribers may not know about you.

30. What is your most prized possessions (stitch related and non-stitch related).


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Jayne's Tag (Flosstube)

Jayne’s Tag  -

- posted 19APR16 by mrs baker girl

1) Which, if any, WIPS do you wish will end soon?

2) What is your favorite tool for stitching?

3) Is there a kit/project you wish you didn’t buy?

4) Is there a kit/project you wish you could have and start?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Needle & Thread Tag (Flosstube)

Needle & Thread Tag  -

- posted 15APR16 by Megan Wright

1. What are your favorite needles? Gold plated or not? Long or short?

2. How do you store your needles?

3. Do you change floss with each color or do you use multiple needles?

4. Do you use a thread tamer or wax, or thread heaven, or do you go bare?

5. Bobbins or bags?

6. Do you use long or short lengths of thread?

7. ORTs - yay, nay or what the hay?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Disney Tag (Flosstube)

Disney Tag  -

- posted 12APR16 by Chelsea Gelesko

1) Are you a Disney freak?

2) Show us your Disney collection. (Please start with any Disney stitchy related items, and then move onto everything else.)

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Tracy Talking Tag (Flosstube)

Tracy Talking Tag  -

- posted 07APR16 by Tracy P

1. Say these words:

Aunt,  Route,  Wash,  Oil,  Theater,  Iron,  Salmon,  Caramel,  Fire,  Water,  Sure, Data,  Ruin,  Crayon,  Toilet,  New Orleans,  Pecan,  Both,  Again,  Probably, Spitting image,  Alabama,  Lawyer,  Coupon,  Mayonnaise,  Syrup,  Pajamas, Caught

2. What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?

3. What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?

4. What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?

5. What do you call gym shoes?

6. What do you say to address a group of people?

7. What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?

8. What do you call your grandparents?

9. What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?

10.  What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?

11. What is the thing you change the TV channel with?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Flosstube BAP Tag (Flosstube)

Flosstube BAP Tag  -

- posted 05APR16 by Novice Stitcher

1.   Have you done a full coverage project, such as a HAED?

2.   What made you decide to do one?

3.   Were you afraid/nervous about starting one?

4.   How did you prepare for starting one?  Anything different from preparing for non-BAP projects?

5.   Was it as intimidating as you thought it would be?

6.   Are you glad you chose to do one?

7.   How long have you been working on it or how long did it take you to complete it?

8.   Did it meet your expectations?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

What's in My Stitchy Bag Tag (Flosstube)

What’s in My Stitchy Bag Tag  -

- posted 22MAR16 by JOXGIRL1

1) Show us your stitchy bag (tote bag, project bag, project basket, etc)

2)  Show us what’s in your stitchy bag.

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Super Stitcher's Super Tag (Flosstube)

Super Tag (aka Super Stitcher’s Super Tag) -

- posted 12MAR16 by Bryan C Super Stitcher


1.  Robin - What is something you started or stitched that is completely not your style but for some reason grew on you?

2.  Ironman - Love yourself! Say something nice about your stitching, your best stitchy quality, (do your stitches lay very flat? Do your beads always sit perfectly? Do you stitch very quickly?)

3.  The Flash – What is your quickest finish? What project did you finish the fastest?

4.  The Joker - Show us your craziest back!!!

5.  The Hulk - What is your largest WIP?

6.  Batman vs Superman - Do you prefer projects with very few colors or a lot?

7.  Wonder Woman - Tell the truth! Who is your favorite superhero??

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

My Stitchy Buddy Pet Tag (Flosstube)

My Stitchy Buddy Pet Tag  -

- posted 09MAR16 by catcrazycreations
1.  Who is your stitchy buddy(s) and give an introduction? (Show your stitchy buddy(s) and tell a little about them.)

2.  Where does your stitchy buddy hang out while you stitch?

3.  When you start working on your stitching how long does it take for your stitchy buddy to show up?

4.  What does your stitchy buddy do to get your attention while you’re stitching?

5.  Of all your cross switch supplies which one(s) does your stitchy buddy enjoy playing with or napping on?

6.  What is the one thing that your stitchy buddy does that irritates you while you’re stitching?

7.  Give one word that describes your stitchy buddy?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Fer Realz Tho Tag (Flosstube)

Fer Realz Tho Tag  -

- posted 29FEB16 by Adele McNaughton

1) Fer realz tho, what level of stitcher do you consider yourself to be?

2) Fer realz tho, how many WIPs and UFOs do you *honestly* have? This includes things you gave up on and threw out.

3) Fer realz tho, are you enabled easily?

4)Fer realz tho, do you suffer from SADD (Stitchers Attention Deficit Disorder)?
(meaning are you easily distracted/bored, needing to rotate projects quite often)

5) Fer realz tho, have you ever finished a full coverage project e.g HAED, Tilton Crafts etc?  If your answer was no, how far have you got?

6) Fer realz tho, do you enjoy confetti (lots of stitches in different colours)?

7) Fer realz tho, how many finishes do you have this year so far and how does this compare to your WIP/UFO number from question 2?

8) Fer realz tho, are you bothered by your answer in the last question? Would you rather have a smaller or larger number?

9) Fer realz tho, do you have any (perhaps embarrassing) dirty little stitchy secrets??

10) Fer realz tho, I DARE you to show me your messiest back!


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

The Pearl Tag (Flosstube)

The Pearl Tag  -

- posted 26FEB16 by The Queen of Starts

Remember! This is NOT meant to be used to insult or bully ANYONE! There are things that irritate all of us as stitchers; these are meant to show people they're not alone.

1. What irritates you the most about cross stitch in general? Why?

2. What designer irritates you the most? Why?

3. What stitch irritates you? Why?

4. What irritates you about non-stitchers? (NO NAMES!)

5. What irritates you about other stitchers? (NO NAMES!)


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

FFO Tag (Flosstube)

FFO Tag  -
- posted 24FEB16 by thelovelyarray

1) Do you have any FFO’d cross-stitch items displayed in your home?

2) Are they all your projects, or are there pieces stitched by someone else?

3) Show us all the cross-stitch FFO items in your home.

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Rotation Tag (Flosstube)

Rotation Tag  -
- posted 17JAN16 by Tea and Stitches 

1.  Do you have a consistent Rotation or does it change?

2.  How many tips are in your rotation?

3.  How do you choose the pieces in your Rotation?

4.  How does your Rotation change?

5.  When do you add or change pieces in your rotation?

6.  How long have you been using a rotation?

7.  How often do you review or reassess your rotation?

8.  How has having a rotation changed your stitching?

9.  What would you change about your stitching?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Updated Tag Tracker

Tonight I updated the tag archive.  Here is the updated tag tracker:

Tag Tracker as of 7Jan16

As always, if I am missing any tags, please let me know. 

Happy Stitching!

Peep's Christmas Tag (Flosstube)

Peep’s Christmas Tag  -
- posted 23DEC15 by Rachel Peep
1) Which Christmas cartoon or movie would you like to be in?
2) Which Christmas recipe is the worst/best at family gatherings?
3) What is the best white Christmas you’ve ever had?
4) What is the most controversial or worst thing that has ever happened on Christmas?
5) If you could start of new Christmas tradition, what would it be?
6) What is your favorite stocking stuffer to receive?
7) How many days does it take you to clean up Christmas decorations?
8) How soon should department stores really put up Christmas decorations?
9) What is your worst Christmas shopping experience?
10) What do you feel is the most Christmas-y decoration?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

End of Year 2015 Tag (Flosstube)

End of Year 2015 Tag  -
- posted 23DEC15 by Teresa Little Stitcher
1.  What is the most useful tip you have ever got from watching the Flosstube community?

2.  What is the best cross stitch related thing you have learnt this year?

3.  Based on 2015 what have you learnt that you will not do in 2016 – if anything?

4.  What are you favorite Flosstube videos to watch – Updates, Hauls, Stash, Tags, Tutorials and just watching someone stitch?

5.  Based on this year’s cross stitching, what now is your most used tools/objects and what now are your least used tools/objects?

5.5.  Random question… what did you do before needle minders?

6.  Based on your experiences in 2015, do you now prefer small projects or big projects, Full coverage or not?

7.  Do you stitch cards as well as other things?

8.  What has been your biggest accomplishment this year?

9.  What has been the most disappointing stitching thing of 2015?

10.  What is the funniest moment in stitching this year?

11.  What was your worst moment in stitching this year?

12.  If you were put on a deserted island what 5 stitchy things would be your must have items?

13.  Which 4 Flosstubers would you like to have on your island with you and why?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Teeny Tiny Tag (Flosstube)

Teeny Tiny Tag  -
- posted 09DEC15 by Amanda Stitching
1. When stitching a design with a face, do you do the eyes as you go or at the end?
2. What is the most unusual thing you use for cross stitching?
3. Have you ever moved onto something more up-to-date only to end up going back to how you originally did it?
4. Do you have to hide your haul/stash?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Holiday Tag (Flosstube)

Holiday Tag  -
- posted 05DEC15 by Jo & Molly
1) What's the worst holiday gift you have ever received? Best?
2) What holiday do you celebrate at this time of the year?
3) What is your favorite holiday cookie/candy?
4) If you could go anywhere in the world to spend the holidays, where would you go?
5) What is your favorite childhood holiday memory? Favorite grownup holiday memory?
6) Do you decorate for your holiday? Are you an over decorator, a minimalist or somewhere in between?
7) Do you have a big holiday meal? Does it involve just your immediate family, extended family, friends or a mixture of all?
8) Favorite holiday to stitch (doesn't have to be this holiday, it can be a time of year and/or season).

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Thankful Tag (Flosstube)

Thankful Tag  -
- posted 17NOV15 by Stitchin Fisch
 video deleted
1. What is your favorite thing about thanksgiving?
2. What is your favorite memory from thanksgiving?
3. What are you most thankful for in your family world?
4. What are you most thankful for in your stitchy world?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Special Item Tag (Flosstube)

Special Item Tag  -
- posted 17NOV15 by MichelletheMerry
1) What is the object?
2) Where did you get it?
3) What is the story connected to the item?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document: