Sunday, July 9, 2017

Inspired by other Flosstubers, a few months ago, I created a booklet Stitchy Tracker, which I showed in a recent video.  I have gotten positive feedback and requests to share the files, so I am posting them here:

Basic instructions

Printing Instructions

Assembly Instructions

Pages for printing:

Full Sheet



I am planning to do a tutorial video once I've returned from my trip to Wisconsin. (should be posted sometime in August)

UPDATE: Video tutorial completed... you can find it here.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.   Happy Stitching!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Just Do It! Stitchy Tag (Flosstube)

Just Do It! Stitchy Tag  -

- posted 10APR17 by Tricia - the left-handed stitcher 

1.  Do you have a pile/box/bin/bag/drawer of completed stitches (FOs) not yet FFO’d?

2.  Were any of these items stitched as a gift that hasn’t been FFO’d and gifted yet?

3.  Show us these ungifted projects, and talk about them….
            - who it is meant for?
            - why did you chose it for them?
            - pattern, designer, fabric, threads?
            - why is it unfinished?
            - what is stopping you from FFOing it and gifting it?
            - what is your plan for it? 


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Twinkle Tag (Flosstube)

Twinkle Tag  -

- posted 06JAN17 by Crafty magpie

1.  What was your first cross stitch?

2.  How many needle minders do you have? (show your favorite one )
3.   If you could stitch one picture what would it be?
4.   What other craft would you like to try?
5.   What is the longest project you have been working on?

6.   What is the quickest project you have done?
7.   What threads do you like to use?
8.   Show us your ORT jar.
9.   Show something else you are working on other than stitching.

10.  What are your least favorite threads to use?
11.  What is the project you've hated working on the most?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Friday, April 7, 2017

WIP Tag (Flosstube)

WIP Tag  -

- posted 22AUG16 by CoveredIn CatHair 

1. When it comes to putting a project together, do you start with the pattern or the fabric?

2. Do you ever find yourself limiting or denying yourself new starts because of your current number of WIPs?

3. Is there any designer or style of pattern that you love the designs but hate the process of stitching on them?

4. What do you use, if anything, to keep track of your current WIPs and/or future starts?

5. If you could "steal" any Flosstuber's current WIP or past project, which one would it be and why?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

FlossTube Community Year in Review Tag (Flosstube)

FlossTube Community Year in Review  Tag  -
- posted 28DEC16 by Jesse Marie Does Stuff

Favorites / Least Favorites:
1. WIP
2. Finish
3. FFO
4. New Start
5. Tool
6. Technique
7. Material
8. Pattern release of 2016

How Many...
9. WIPs at the start of year?
10. WIPs at the end of the year?
11. Starts during the year?
12. Finishes during the year?
13. FFOs?
14. UFOs - temporary?
15. UFOs - permanent?
16. Full coverage pages complete?

First and Last:
17. Start:
18. Finish:

19. Purchase?
20. Starting?
21. Stopping?
22. Not participating?

New / New to You:
23. Tool:
24. Technique / Stitch:
25. Designer:
26. Fabric:
27. Thread:
28. Vendor / Shop:
29. Terminology:
30. FlossTube Channels:

A Mix of Questions:
31. What did you learn this year?
32. What did you teach someone this year?
33. Did you become real life friends with any stitchers you only knew via social media previously?
34. Are you happy with what you accomplished this year?
35. Similarly, what were your goals for 2016? How do they measure up to what you accomplished?
36. Has your stitching style or organization changed during the year? If so, how? If no, are there any changes or improvements you’d like to make?
37. Did you fall victim to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? Were there any projects that you would pass on starting if you were given the chance to go back in time and do all over?
38. Did you participate in any SALs? If so, which one was your favorite?
39. What did you learn about yourself through your stitching this year?
40. What was your favorite event that you participated in this year?
41. Were there any 2016 "Stitching Fads" that you didn’t jump on the bandwagon for but you’re still considering?

42. What project are you most looking forward to starting?
43. What project are you most looking forward to finishing?
44. Do you intend to be more determined or laid back in your stitching in the coming year?
45. What event are you most looking forward to participating in?
46. What are your stitchy resolutions for next year?
47. Will you be participating in any SALs?
48. Are there any materials / stitches / techniques you’d like to try in the new year?

49. What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
50. What are your resolutions for next year?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Organise Your Stitching Tag (Flosstube)

Organise Your Stitching Tag  -

- posted 20APR16 by Corrie Berry

1. How do you organise magazines?
2. How do you organise kits?

3. How do you organise digital patterns?

4. How do you organise books?

5. What do you keep with your WIPs?

6. How do you store WIPs when not in use?

7. Where do you store FOs before they become FFOs?

8. Do you have any tips for organising your cross stitch?


The above list of questions in a downloadable document:

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Travel Stitching Tag (Flosstube)

Travel Stitching Tag  -

- posted 28Aug16 by OriettaStitch

1)  Do you bring stitching with you when you travel?

2)  What is your favorite project to bring on trips?

3)  What are your indispensable tools to bring to help your stitching on a trip?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document: