Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is up with Blogger!?! Trying to post photos for Q-Snap grime-guard tutorial.

I tried to post something a few months ago, after having been away from my blog for a couple months, only to find out that I couldn't post any pictures.  A bit of research turned up that Blogger (i.e. Google) wasn't playing nice with the newest version of Microsoft IE, and the chatter was that Google was taking their sweet time working on a fix in an effort to drive more people to use Chrome.  So I gave up.  Now a few months later, I figured I'd try again,  so I drafted up a nice tutorial on how to create your own Q-Snap "grime-guard.  But once again, Blogger will not let me add any photos.  So the tutorial remains in draft form.  And I posted the tutorial on instead.