Monday, September 30, 2013

Froggie update

Here he is:

Tree Frog Among Leaves WIP 30Sep13
I just finished with Light Yellow Green.  One more down, actually 2 more.  As it happens, hubby came home from work on Tuesday and announced he had to go the Las Cruces for a career seminar.  Of course I went with, so while he was in the seminar I could do some shopping.  As we prepared to leave the house, I packed up my stitching for the drive.  Once on our way, I worked the length of floss that was already started, and discovered that I had forgotten the envelope with the Light Yellow Green on the arm of the couch.  So I looked at the pattern and decided on a symbol that I could see easily enough without highlighting,  and started stitching Pale Yellow Green.  Worked on it during the drive to Las Cruces, then once Jason was dropped off, I went shopping.  After I was done shopping at Hobby Lobby and Joanns, I parked the truck back at the facility the seminar was being held, hopped into the passage seat and continued the stitching.  Pale Yellow Green was completed and I started with the color Charcoal.  Got one strand of Charcoal done and Jason's seminar finished up.  Sun was already down, so I couldn't stitch during the ride back home. 

Next color to be worked is Brown.  Not much of this color on the pattern, only a spot here and there, so it won't take long.  After that there will be Olive Green, Dark Olive Green and Charcoal, which are the last colors in the leaves.  Dark Olive Green has about the same number of stitches as the Light Yellow Green.  Charcoal has a low number of stitches, so will go quickly.  Olive Green has about the same number of stitches as the Dark Yellow Green so it will take some time to complete.  But then the leaves will be done and I can start on the branches.  I am leaving the frog for last.  He will be my reward for finishing all the cross-stitching.  Then comes the back-stitching, which there is a considerable amount.  At least it is a lot of long continuous lines, so it should progress steadily.

One last thing, is I finally found the perfect travelling Ort container.  I've struggled using a snack size baggie for sometime now.  I just happened to see this sitting on the countertop and the light bulb in my head went off.

It is working wonderfully!  Light weight, easy to open and pop in the bit of floss and close up.  A little flick of the wrist and all the orts compact to the bottom making room for more.  I'm not quite sure where this container originated from, but I am so glad I found it.  Whenever it gets full, I can just dump it into the big Ort Jar and start filling it up again.

Happy Stitching!

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