Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stitcher Moose Tag (Flosstube)

Stitcher Moose Tag  -

- posted 14NOV14 by Stitcher Moose – Link to Video

1.  Do you have some favorite holiday or other traditions?
2.  What is the origin of your YouTube channel name?
3.  Besides music, what else do you listen to?  (Podcasts, radio shows, audiobooks etc)


The above list of questions in a downloadable document linked here:


  1. Hey Tricia, thank you for doing all this. I know it was a lot of work. I wanted to let you know that your Stitcher Moose tag and the September tag are duplicates of each other. It looks like these should be the tags asked by Stitcher Moose:

    1. Is there a story behind your screen name, what is it?
    2. What do you listen to while stitching?
    3. What radio presets do you have in your car? Or do you plug in your phone to listen to Pandora, etc while in the car?
    4. Do you have favorite audio books you like to listen to while stitching?
    5. So you have family favorite traditions for the holidays? Or have you started any of your own?

    Just wanted to let you know ;) Thanks!

    1. Hi Jennifer! This apparently was a point where I clicked SAVE instead of SAVE-AS. I went back to Stitcher Moose's video and fixed my source document, and then fixed this post and all the links. Thanks so much for letting me know. As always, you are awesome!
