Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Chaotic Tag (Flosstube)

The Chaotic Tag  -

- posted 20AUG15 by mn chaos – Link to Video

1. What is your culture/heritage? (Where are your ancestors from? What foods did you grow up eating? Did you grow up with a particular set of beliefs and traditions?)
2. Do you make an effort to pass on the culture you grew up, are you part of any counterculture, or are you more of an individualist?
3. Is there a social issue/cause you are passionate about? (whether it be about education, health, the military, human rights, etc.)
4. Do you have a favorite style or aesthetic? (For example: modern/vintage, fantasy, chic/shabby chic, anime, kawaii, a certain decade’s aesthetic, etc.)
5. Do you somehow incorporate any of your above 4 answers into the choice of patterns you choose to stitch/design? If yes: How do you incorporate them? If no: Would or wouldn’t you want to? Why or why not?
6. If you were to stitch a person, who would it be?
7. Do you know of a little known designer that you would like to let us know about?
8. What direction do you lay your top cross? Is there a reason for that?
9. Are there any “rules” or popular methods you don’t follow in cross stitch? Why?
10. If someone were to find your FFOs or WIP pile in 100 years, when you’re long gone, what might they say/think about you?

The above list of questions in a downloadable document linked here:

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